Recreated from the classic "The Sims 2" Goose interaction.Inside the menu you'll find the new interactions.Your sims will now have a new romantic pie menu called " Passionate Romance ".Fixed Teen to Adult/Adult to Teen interaction availability.Added headlights to cars that turn on at night.

Visual effects on Hot Air Balloon + Car will now show up even if you don't have Get To Work EP installed.Sims will no longer make kissing sounds while romantically hugging.Thanks to SimsGodDominic for providing the posture injector script & to MizoreYukii, PandaSama & Frankk for helping figure things out ♥ Improved the makeout and romantic hug animations entry & exit, sims should no longer briefly switch to stand still before starting/ending the animations.

Huge thanks to the creator of this camera system, it is a major improvement from what we started with.Īlso, huge thanks to Lot51CC for the amazing TDESC browser, I wouldn't have figured this out if it wasn't for his amazing website:

Thanks to beloved Scumbumbo for the tuning error notifier, may your soul rest in peace ♥ Fixed all tuning errors caused by leftover codes or misused terms.Update the python script version to V 3.7.